May 11, 2023

The Top SaaS Companies in 2023 According to Our Data

SaaS Insights

We dug into our data to see what we could learn about the 300 most successful SaaS companies in 2023.

Richard Gargan

SaaS use in companies is soaring. According to our data, businesses now use an average of 37 applications. With more new SaaS products emerging on the horizon, the SaaS market is expected to grow to $195bn in 2023

Every company has their go-to tools that they rely on every day, and using the right SaaS products can make a huge difference in your business: improve efficiency, save money and reduce friction between teams. 

But at the same time, not getting the most out of your software can have adverse effects. In a survey by Cledara, 63% of employees think problems with SaaS are damaging their company’s culture.

So, would it be possible to choose the right tools while protecting your business? 

Absolutely! In this article, we provide key insights by giving you a low down on the most popular SaaS tools in 2023, according to our data. 

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Top SaaS Companies to Watch Out for in 2023

The ultimate SaaS showdown of 2023 has a winner! After analyzing the data from our SaaS management platform and running a competition to see which company has the most users among our customers, we're excited to announce the ultimate SaaS champion.

1. Atlassian

Drum roll, please...the winner is Atlassian! As a leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software, Atlassian has continually demonstrated its commitment to improving the way teams work together. Its suite of products, including Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello, are recognized globally for their ability to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and increase efficiency.

2. GitHub

Coming in at a close second, GitHub continues to dominate as a go-to platform for developers, providing an essential service for code management and collaboration.

3. Figma

Securing the third spot, Figma has proven its worth in the design and product development world. Its cloud-based, real-time collaborative design tool has revolutionized the way teams create together.

4. Google Workspace

In fourth place, Google Workspace stands as a powerful suite of productivity and collaboration tools. It remains a cornerstone for many businesses, facilitating communication and workflow.

5. Slack

Ranking fifth, Slack's impact on workplace communication is undeniable. It's become a critical tool for real-time messaging, file sharing, and team collaboration.

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6. Microsoft

At number six, Microsoft's extensive range of software, including Office 365 and Microsoft Teams, continues to be a staple in both personal and professional settings.

7. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is our new entrant and comes in at number 7 as the fastest growing software application in history. This is a testament to the value that AI is bringing to a wide range of applications, from customer service and content creation to teaching and learning.

8. Zoom

At number eight, Zoom has become synonymous with video conferencing, particularly during a time when remote work and virtual meetings have become the norm.

9. Xero

Coming in ninth, Xero has made its mark in the world of accounting software. Its cloud-based platform simplifies financial management for small to medium-sized businesses.

10. Notion

Rounding out the top ten, Notion's flexible toolset for note-taking, data management, and project management has made it a favorite among teams looking for customizable workflow solutions.

Here are the most used SaaS products among our customers in 2023. How many software applications from this list does your company use?

Top 300 SaaS Companies

So there you have it, Cledara’s list of the top SaaS companies in 2023. Let us know which SaaS applications your business depends on or if there’s any SaaS you’re keeping an eye out for this year. Email us at or for more SaaS insights, sign up for our newsletter below.

Data Source: Cledara

The data in this article is provided by Cledara in May 2023. As a SaaS Management platform, Cledara sees which SaaS apps are used in businesses, by company stage and geography - across the United States and Europe. In addition, we’re huge advocates on all things SaaS-related and regularly conduct research to determine how companies manage their SaaS subscriptions (including software approval processes, impact on company culture and overall SaaS costs.)

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Richard Gargan

Richard is Cledara's in-house Content Lead. With a background in finance, he is responsible for the analysis of SaaS data to provide readers with insightful and informative analysis to help you optimize your software spend.

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